Cantiga 181 from the Cantigas de Santa Maria

Cantiga 181, Codex Rico, Ms TI1. Biblioteca de El Escorial

The Moroccan army of king Umar al-Murtada routs a rival army of Moroccans under Abū Yūsuf, emir of Benimerines, at Marrakech.

The King of Marrakech was at war with another king.
The other king had crossed the Morabe River with a huge army and had laid siege to the city.
The king of Marrakech was advised to go out from the city with his best warriors to do battle. He was to take the banner of Holy Mary and to be accompanied by Christians carrying crosses.
The King followed this advice, and when the banner of Holy Mary was unfurled, the army of the other king was defeated. Many of his men were killed and they lost their tents and possessions.
Others, seeing the banner and crosses, fled in great haste.
In this way, the Virgin helped her friends, even though they were of another faith.
